Buying sales leads is an important part of many companies – Here are a few things you should know first.
There are dozens of different types of leads. In addition to purchasing traditional paper leads, you can utilize other leads, such as lists, real-time leads, live calls, and more. Knowing the difference between each is a big deal and will ultimately determine your success or failure.
Why Buy Leads?
There are plenty of marketing tools available for businesses, so why rely on buying leads to grow your business? Marketing on your own is hard work. It is complicated and can be very time-consuming. Hiring a marketing firm or lead generation company can allow you to focus on closing deals and not generating them.
What are Data Lists?
Data lists are usually compiled from public records or unique databases dedicated to one market segment. For instance, a listed company may have a website that maintains an attorney directory. They may maintain this list and sell it to other companies. The public records list would contain information you can find online for free or through other public record sources. While these lists may be maintained and cleaned, they usually are not great for generating sales.
What is Real-Time?
Real-time leads usually refer to leads that are generated online through search, social media, email marketing, or display ads. The consumer is presented with an ad describing the offer and visits a custom landing page. After completing a form, the lead is delivered to you in real-time, usually through email or post into your CRM.
What are Live Calls?
When consumers visit a landing page, they can complete a form or call in directly. After calling the number on a landing page, that call may be routed to you directly. The caller could pass through an IVR (A series of questions) or connect to you directly. When buying live calls from a lead generation company, it is crucial to know the entire process. This will ensure a smooth handoff and that you receive qualified sales calls.